I woke up this morning to a very sad news...The death of Whitney Houston. I still can't believe it. Like how can a person die just like that. We all know she had problems in the past but lately she'd got her life back. She had a great transformation (new teeth and all lol), she had a new album which sounded great even though it didn't hit that well.
For the time being no-one knows how she died. It was reported she was found dead in her room at the Beverly Hills Hotel by her on and off boyfriend Ray J. I for one didn't even know she was dating RayJ...and is it the RayJ I am thinking about?! Brandy's Brother?! Kim Kardashian's Ray J?! I don't know.....
The point is, it's sad to see great Musical Mogules die such a crazy and sad death...First Michael now Whitney :( Dear God what's next. Now we are left with talentless singers who care about nothing else than making money and being famous...
Rest In Peace Wihtney. You will always be remembered through your music. Great Sympathy goes to her family and I hope a lot young and current artist will learn from their mistakes. We Love you Whitney.
so sad we had too lose such an iconic figure