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September 07, 2017

Current Go-To-Look w/ NEW Products

Good day lovelies, it's a beautiful day to talk about makeup and a fantastic week to swoon over new ones. I'm especially excited for the launch of Fenty Beauty by Rihanna this Friday, 8th September. I'm more excited to see what products she'll have available and the range of shades she'll have. 

So, while we're on the topic of new products, I'll be sharing with you today my current go-to look and new products I've been trying out lately. My base has remained the same. I 'm still using the three NYX Primers mentioned in previous posts (not together lol but on different occasions), I am however, trying out a new foundation which is a massive competition to my very old trusted friend - L'Oréal True Match Foundation.

This is the look I go for when I'm in a hurry or when I want to wear makeup but don't want to look too over done. Just something nice, easy and quick for the days when you want to look 100% but don't want to look like you put in a lot of work. So without further ado, here are a few pictures of the look and a list of the new products I used to create it.
Mascara // L'Oréal Paris Paradise Mascara 'Black' 
(this is very comparable to the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara)

I don't think I've ever shared any products I use on my hair, mostly because I don't fuss about a lot with it. I wash it, dry it, tie it up and away I go. Plus 99.9% of the time it's under a weave or wrapped in a hair scarf or bonnet but regardless, the products stay the same. Whatever goes on my natural hair goes on my weave. That shit is expensive so you're darmn right I'm taking great care of it. So for anyone that's interested, here are a few things I slap on my hair:
Shampoo // Treseme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Shampoo
Conditioner // Treseme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner
Moisturiser // Coconut Oil (do they still do the buy-one-get-second for £0.01p deal?)
Hair Serum // CHI Silk Infusion (the best thing ever!)

If you're looking for some great addition to your skincare regimen, don't forget to check out my previous post.

As always I love you for stopping by. Besos xx

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